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Comment Re:Copy Skylab (Score 1) 120

Power is not a serious problem at Mars distances. For the cost and scale of a manned Mars mission, football-field sizes solar panels are perfectly affordable and practical for the spacecraft - also compact to launch (relatively) and deploy since they don't need to support their own weight against gravity like they do on Earth.

Comment Re:Isn't a VPN provider an ISP? (Score 1) 115

Good luck with that? My VPN endpoint is in another country as is the company. They're going to have to do a ridiculous amount of enforcement and blocking, much of which would wind up contravening WTO treaties, to actually limit it.

Of course the fact you need this service is still ridiculous.

Comment Re:Swarm, not sphere. (Score 1) 339

It is however a threshold situation. The tools and technology to build a solar panel to sustain us like that would make it cheaper to build the next one. Once we can do it once, economic growth would dictate that we pretty obviously should build another to get the most out of the investment. Repeat to the logical conclusion...

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