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User Journal

Journal Journal: "This is Linus Torvalds, and I pronounce Linux, Linux."

Well, St. Irish-drink-beer day is over. Funny, an entire holiday devoted to drinking. (Well, I think slowly New Years, Christmas, and Tax day are all de-evolving to something similar- not that I'd know)~

So I'll be leaving this job soon - and I was thinking...is it *really* feasable to install and leave a Linux server here? Not really. Can I leave a M$ machine? Yeah. But that still has problems. It's a lose-lose situation right now. *sigh*

User Journal

Journal Journal: Monday, Monday~

Well yet another Monday here in the server room of the company. Wow our CPU & case fans are loud.

At least its raining today (doesn't happen here often)~

I wish I could meta-moderate my weekend.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Friday, what a day~

I just noticed my /. user number. Pretty large number- but then I looked at some of the user numbers of people that (at least appear to) post regularly. *shrug* I guess that helps account for the /. effect~

I also notice that the message system is not really set up for a dialogue per se- I wonder how the /. community will react to attempts at actual discussion on something, rather than the drive by +1 shots...(or the occasional flamebait or Troll posting)- ONCE in a while it's a hard call to decided between TROLL and INTERESTING- because of the paradigms and viewpoint that something may be read...for example, my post about the Macs today...was meant very tongue-in-cheek...but by someone looking to defend their lovely cracked iCube, I was easy to read into~ Reminds me of that old Chinese story: The advisor to the emperor was chatting with him one day, and the emperor commented that many of the subjects looked like pigs. Then the emperor asked what the advisor thought the emperor looks like. To this the advisor responded that he looked like the buddah, because he who sees through the eyes of the buddah sees only the buddah. (hehehe slick way to insult your emperor- never heard if at the end of that story the advisor was beheaded or not...)



Journal Journal: Wow...careful of the MACheads...

Be careful! Watch what you say! You can't even joke around about it, or the MAC zealots will threaten to get into their Jettas and come punch you in the face...hehehehe

Le Idiots~ Yeah, I have a MAC, several PCs etc...get over it already. Easily provked = weak.




Journal Journal: P2P: Illegal downloads that create sales...

So I downloaded "Shaolin Soccer" from a P2P network last night...why? Two reasons: 1. I participate in discussions with people in Asia all the time, and that movie has been out there for ages... 2. It is already available for purchase online, even though it isn't out in theatres here in the U.S. YET~

I plan on buying the DVD, in fact I've already ordered it. So no, I don't feel badly for P2Ping it.

That's my thought for the day. :)

Not that anyone reads these /. journals.

(hello webcrawling bot that is going to report me now *waves*)


What a moring. Yeah, it's Friday.



Journal Journal: Real thoughts on SPAM and FWD:s

Yeah, I know, nobody ever reads these /. journals...who cares. This is where the REAL karma is earned baby!


OK, so I'm driving to work this morning, and the host (it was talk radio, so it doesn't feel right to call him a DJ) starts asking for people to STOP sending him forwards- he cited a few examples- most of the forwards people were sending him were HOAXES. He went on to try and figure out why so many people send him this stuff, and his best guess was that people actually thought they were sending him (he being in the media) information that hadn't been 'picked up' yet by the media in general- ie they were informing society this great knowledge that they were missing-

Well, I got to thinking...first of all, I HATE forwards...I almost NEVER read ANY forward- and MANY of them come from people who think because it was on the net, or in type that it must be true (same people who believe that anything in print must be true)- So these people forward hoaxes all the time. (Hell, the hoaxes don't even have to be clever, and look how many people fall for it)- SO, as time goes on, TIME AFTER TIME people send hoaxes, and are told they are stupid or dumb for sending them, until EVENTUALLY, for the most part, people will stop sending things like this ALL TOGETHER- now, when we reach that point, I wonder, what will happen when there actually IS something that doesn't get picked up by the media (or worse, the media/government/etc try to supress something)- will people get mail about something of that nature and just dismiss it automatically? I wonder. I guess that's like wondering about which (if any) of the articles in the Enquirer are true in any given issue. I'll bet its safe to say even if an Enquirer article were true, it wouldn't really matter, or be taken seriously by 'main stream society'-

Ok, that was just my drive to work this morning.



Journal Journal: Random thoughts on Billy Goat Gates....

So I was thinking this morning...about our good buddy Billy Gates. I wonder how often he lays in bed, staring at the walls, and thinks to himself, "I can buy anything I want. I am the richest man alive." ~ I'm sure it happens quite a bit. How can it not? And what are the effects of this type of thought process on a person? I wonder. You see, his conquest is no longer motivated by money. When you have as much money as he does, its no longer about the $$$- its about POWER. I know, some will argue money *is* power, but this is different. Billy has maxed his "power from money" status, and now its the raw stuff he needs. His next fix has to be pure, uncut power. What else motivates him?


Journal Journal: IT lemmings 2

So I was just metamoderating some comments- a few about stem cell research came up, as well as one about abortion and one about the whole anti-US/anti-war stuff. I was kind of disappointed. Probably because I like to think that the /. community is 'elite' in the sense that HERE people at least apply their own logic/common sense reasoning to their views on life (as opposed to being lead by the nose by the media/net/etc )- and some of the posts did not seem to come across that way. Thinking back to the article on "Why Nerds are Unpopular", together with the thoughs brought on by these articles today, leads me to a new conclusion- There is a distinct difference between "nerd" and what I like to call "afficianado"~ The "nerd" tends to be well above average in one very narrow scoped skill set (such as computers)- but isn't 'well rounded'- (ie the slashdot posters who seem to know their tech, but are lead around easily by the media, or post about not having dates due to lack of social skill)- There is another elite group, the "afficianado"- who applies his/her above average intelligence to all facets of life/thinking/reasoning. (Also, I believe, a large portion of the slashdot community.) Just random thoughts.

Nobody ever reads /. journals anyway.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Send in the blogs~

So I started a live journal. Why? *shrug* because it's there I guess. Why do I post in my /. journal? *shrug* Because it's here.

At work today. Really tired of the "if it's broken, you should be able to fix it" line of thinking; especially when the problem is either A) THE HARDWARE IS TOO FREAKING OLD TO RUN YOUR NEW SOFTWARE B) YOUR CRAPPY SOFTWARE HAS BUGS, THAT IS LIFE. I DO NOT RE-WRITE SOFTWARE TO FIX BUGS FOR YOU

Ok, I feel better now. Don't you? I knew you would.


Journal Journal: Composition or Compost: A Slashdot Journal

Ah Sunday night. Day two of deciding to keep a semi-regular /. journal. We'll see how it goes. Not that anyone paruses the /. journals, mind you~

Ah, the new week hopefully brings good tidings of happy things, such as government completion of the whole hiring process... time will tell. Life starts soon I hope~ I can't take my IT job much longer. Again the guilt of loathing a job my friends covet...but what can I say? To thine own self be semi-honest (as far as the rat race is happening around us that is)~

Went to the Dojo today. Felt really badly, but sparring wasn't much~ nobody wants to spar with me anymore. I really didn't mean to hurt that guy, it *really* was kind of his fault. I know, that doesn't change things. (But he was acting pretty cocky)~


User Journal

Journal Journal: Life after College: ~Introspections~

So I log back into my /. account after quite some time. Out of college, and wondering how long Uncle Sam will take to hire me. This waiting for security clearances and background checks is starting to get really old. (Magnified in part to the fact that I *hate* my job now.) It seems almost selfish, knowing so many of my friends who are out of work or would love the job I have now~ IT people searching the smoking heaps of crumbled companies for a job, any job~ *shrug*

Yes, I'm glad I worked as the Computer Systems Manager here while I finished college. Because now I know that my computer skills are simply a skill; a tool to be used to better perform elsewhere...definately not an end in and of themselves. Welcome to the real world.


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