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Comment Re:Cue the knee-jerk nuke lovers & their BS. (Score 0) 119

I see I have a big fan. To bad the reality is most people are morons who don't even have a clue what they are talking about.l Including you.

But I must have spoke some very deep thruths to get a perpetuall following of emotional ACs and downmods.

Pull your heads out your asses people. There are myriad easy solutions to most every problem humans/humanity faces today that require little research and effort, or have already been implemented in the past but are seen as backwards.

Yet you follow your masters blindly because those shitty martini's at chili's appeal to your basic primate instincts and you've been trained since childhood to 'need' hookers and blow. Or bling.

Nothing wrong with, fun now. Just Americans are so willing to feed the beast in order to get 2cnd rate fun. Visiting 3rd world countries is more fun than the bullshit you poor sods are pumped full of every day at the gas station pumps (got to love the advertisement/tvs installed at pumps now)

Peace motherfucker.

Comment Re:Cue the knee-jerk nuke lovers & their BS. (Score 0) 119

Laughing because of the burning craters of natural gas all over the planet.

No. It's just a matter of, those who can wield the industry and distribution networks to deliver energy, just like to shake everyone down and keep us in check. So that they remain the only ones in the energy business.

It really is that simple.

I expect many downmods and much QQ incoming. Nope, not backing up my opinion with anything hard either. This is just the internet. And my posts are just food for thought.

Comment Re:the tip is enough (Score 2) 292

The AC in this thread is very very mad. There's plenty of evil that can be done. I don't see games becoming free like TV through an ad model anytime soon. I see people being fucked even worse, perhaps even forced to play games riddled with crapvertisements. And deliberately programmed to really stupify people and give them a false sense of ... I don't know, well being? Games now really do not permit any self expression. Imagine being forced to sit through mass effect over and over and not even have a choice in the dialog and having it be used to sell and push political agendas or make young people think war is ok.

OOhhh wait. The USA already experimented with FPSs.

yeah, a lot worse could come of games than currently is. A lot worse. I'll prob get modded down. But it's not far fetched to see a dystopian future were fucked up games are a part of that dystopia.

Comment What if? (Score 1) 171

The big bang happened but on a much smaller scale, and there was already stuff here before the big bang.

We assume there was no stuff before our known universe expanded and that our known universe expanded at XYZ to account for the amount of energy and matter we have now.

But we are making a lot of assumptions still.

Comment Re: Empirical Data Trumps Information Theory (Score 1) 211

Currently at this point in time we have the technological capacity to survive the more or less complete destruction of our biosphere. Would it be pretty? No. Would we be prolific, no. Would we easily be wiped out by a failure or disaster affecting our crude makeshift survival, yes.

But we could. There's no reason a technological civilization of our stage cant make it to the next stage given a bit of luck and a solid motivation to make it. I wager, that people surviving the death of our biosphere 1 billion years from now might have NO problem being motivated and cautious and wise enough to live happily ever after.

The elephant in that room is that we most likely wouldn't even recognize ourselves at that point and this most likely has happened in the past and will be proven one day. If we get that far.

Comment Re:Reinvent this, reinvent that. It's all still sh (Score 1) 266

Reinventions and creatively redesigning games and activities into a virtual space is like, the thing that made the big devs of the old studios of yor. I don't think people inspired to change paradigms are bad people to design.

It's just a risky business model. But the results can be gr8. Most likely this guy can survive another failure and is more than happy to get the chance to take a risk on this next en devour they dream of.

Honestly I don't know really where the hell FPS's can be taken... that they havn't at some point by a mod... but I guess someone could roll out an fps quite quickly by mashing up mod ideas and just using a stock engine.

Comment Re:Humans have too much (Score 1) 206

Indeed to me it's pretty simple. The group will really has no business influencing an individuals personal and private life. The life that has nothing to do with anyone else. Especially.

Other than that, really for many of us, me, particularly, an idealistic society is one in which every person is individually empowered and completely independent from the moires of society.

Comment Re:So.. (Score 1) 110

Sounds like a bunch of retarded mongoloid nvidia fanbois begrudgingly agree with me as AC's. The idea of a shader model is nothing new boys and girls....... If I stampted it into a peice of metal and used a flywheel with a needle to read the algorithm in. It wouldn't exactly be innovation now would it? Maybe artistic. But hardly innovative.

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