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Comment /o\ (Score 1) 36

I've yet to find an AI which can answer this in the way it's intended:

Make me a list of domain name candidates where the whole name may be read as a single word or phrase related to the topic "time tracker app"

For example: is the word timely assuming there's a TLD .ly

Please ensure that only valid TLDs are used

Actual responses to the above prompt:

Certainly! Here's a list of domain name candidates related to the topic "time tracker app", where the whole name may be read as a single word or phrase:
These domain names aim to convey the idea of tracking time efficiently and may resonate well with users looking for a time tracker application. Remember to check the availability of these domain names and consider factors such as brand identity, memorability, and relevance to your target audience when making your selection.

-2-from a different AI-
TrackIt (Straightforward and easy to remember)
TimeFlow (Evokes a sense of time management and progress)
HourStack (Visualizes stacking completed tasks)
MinuteMind (Combines "minute" and "mindfulness" for focused work)
FocusFrame (Emphasizes focused work within set timeframes)
TimeAce (Positions the user as a master of their time)
ClockworkMe (Creates a sense of efficient time management)
HourGuard (Highlights the app's role in protecting time)
TimeHelm (Positions the user at the helm of their time management)
DoNow (Simple and action-oriented, encouraging productivity)

Comment Re:Rule #1 of businesses (Score 2) 11

Yep. Companies will say anything to get money. More news at ten!

This has a beautifully ironic twist though. Smearing a competitor and putting themselves on a pedestal created by strealing from that same competitor. Beautiful. The strategy guys must have been high fiving each other all the way to collect their 'Outstanding ironic contributions to ethics in business' award.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 161

Only law enforcement can detain people

Is it me or does this seem like the wrong name for those walking around with weapons, tasing pregnant women, kneeling on people's necks so they die, shooting teenagers with sandwiches etc etc?

I'm too lazy to use AI to find an AI tool which can trawl through all news reports of the po-lice enforcing their will rather than the law. Maybe a startup idea? 10% if you make it happen!

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