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A Robotic Taxi Named robuCAB 69

Roland Piquepaille writes "According to ICT Results, an EU-funded project named Embounded 'has achieved the twin, and apparently contradictory, goals of making embedded systems both smarter and tougher.' One example is the robuCAB, a '4 seat automated people mover' developed by a French company and built from a 4 wheel-drive electric chassis with on-board PC. This autonomous vehicle follows the curb and carries several embedded systems, with one camera on the path edge, another device tracking the angle and direction of the curb, while others control the gearing and acceleration. robuCABs are not totally independent. They move over pre-defined circuits which contain a series of sensors below the ground. But read more for additional references and a picture of two robuCABs on the road."
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A Robotic Taxi Named robuCAB

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  • by TheLazySci-FiAuthor ( 1089561 ) <> on Wednesday March 12, 2008 @07:00PM (#22733816) Homepage Journal
    I love seeing the new technologies emerging, but with the world wide web and the speed of notification it offers, sometimes I feel a little chagrined that even though right here and now there are functional, autonomous vehicles, it will probably still be years before my first ride in one.

    Now, I could split hairs and note that every airliner I have flown on has had autopilot, probably of quality high enough to even land the plane, but it's not the same as sending a text and then 5 minutes later having a wheeled robot show up at my curb to whisk me away to....well, probably taco bell or something.

    I think about these things. Like, when will I see my first bona-fide working (i.e. employed) humanoid robot? I asked my wife and brother and both agree it likely will be another 5-10 years and it will probably be at some fancy hotel or resort. This is of course assuming I somehow find myself at a fancy hotel or resort - I guess that's something to look forward to as well!

Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
