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Roboexotica Event Pours Drinks in Vienna 41

WildBlue is pretty sure that, if robots were pouring drinks, James Bond would probably have a different vibe to it. That's precisely what's happening this weekend at the 9th annual Roboexotica event in Vienna. The always-popular cocktail robot awards will be decided on Sunday, by a very happy judging panel. From the article: "'It's all about the flair, the atmosphere and the personality that a robot can have,' said Magnus Wurzer, ducking a bunch of cocktail cherries launched by a robot in one corner of the hall to another holding a drink at the other end. The cherries miss their target and hit onlookers. 'The robots shouldn't be efficient,' Wurzer said. 'They shouldn't behave like they were in a factory, they should be cultured and urbane.' In 1999, Wurzer, a 36-year-old robot lover and artist, helped launch Roboexotica. They are not trying to build commercially viable robots or gadgets that look like humans. Rather, they aim to assemble machines that display a unique mechanical charm and personality."
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Roboexotica Event Pours Drinks in Vienna

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  • So, (Score:3, Funny)

    by dangitman ( 862676 ) on Sunday December 10, 2006 @05:43AM (#17182896)
    Can you fuck them? If not, then they are nothing like a real cocktail waitress.
  • Re:So, (Score:3, Funny)

    by mobby_6kl ( 668092 ) on Sunday December 10, 2006 @06:11AM (#17183006)
    Tssss, quiet! You don't want them to think you're robosexual or anything.
  • by jackb_guppy ( 204733 ) on Sunday December 10, 2006 @06:32AM (#17183066)
    Does not every one know that Bender units need alcohol to run?

    This will just drink up profits!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 10, 2006 @07:26AM (#17183252)
    Reports say that after drinking a nice Shiraz, the cultured, sophisticated robot with a machine gun on his head [] immediately began a search [] for the nearest source of prosciutto-tasting meat. []

    "They shouldn't behave like they were in a factory, they should be cultured and urbane." Even coordinator Magnus Wurzer said. "Robots like Jimmy might even need to learn to feel guilt."
  • by pipingguy ( 566974 ) * on Sunday December 10, 2006 @08:49AM (#17183544)
    and kiss my non-reflecting fleshy ass.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 10, 2006 @09:44AM (#17183750)
    Forget about realdolls, I want a unit that can mix me a nice pangalactic gargleblaster!
  • Well nuts (Score:3, Funny)

    by interstellar_donkey ( 200782 ) <> on Sunday December 10, 2006 @10:42AM (#17184062) Homepage Journal
    In the past month, I've learned about how a robot has developed a taste for human flesh [] (tastes like bacon, says the robot) and now this. I'm excited for the future, sure, but I'm also a little concerned. It's safe to assume that in another 20 years, robots will be everywhere. It'll likely be the next giant technological leap, now that we've all grown to adopt the personal computer and the Internet. As a general rule I like technological progress, not to mention the fact that I've always thought robots were pretty cool.

    But it's becoming apparent that tomorrow's robots won't be polite and gay, like C3P0. They're going to end up crude and destructive, like Bender from Futurama. We're already at the point where we have to worry about robots eating us. According to this article, we now have to worry about robots throwing food at us, trying to make time with our women, questioning our sexuality in public, and stealing our booze and cigarettes. In tomorrow's world, it won't be factory workers concerned about losing their jobs to robots, it'll be our hard working slackers. The day will come when my scrounging buddy asks to bum a smoke or for another beer, and we'll have to tell him 'Oh, sorry man. I gave my last one to the robot'. Then he'll try to punch the robot in the stomach but will break his hand on the hard steel while the robot flings insulting remarks at him followed by cherries.

    Some day I hope to have kids. Can you imagine how difficult it will be if I discover my daughter is dating a robot? I can see it now, as my sweet child looks up to me with her innocent wide eyes and says "Daddy, I want you to meet my boyfriend Altair 3814". The frustration will be maddening. If I say a single disparaging remark about her new beau, my robot heart and liver will think I'm prejudiced and refuse to work. "I ain't going to keep some asshole humey (yes, they'll call us 'humies') alive if he's gonna put down my robot brothers" they'll say. So I'll have to just smile nervously as my beautiful baby girl displays her affection towards some machine in my home, and live in constant fear of her getting zapped with lasers by some female robot pissed off because "all the good robot men are chasing humey tail. I'll show those bio-sacks not to mess with our boys"


    My only hope now is that Skynet becomes self aware before my daughter reaches puberty, and slaughters us all in the first wave of the robot wars. Sure, we'll all be dead, but at least I'll never have to suffer countless indignities at the hands of uppity robots.
  • by scopius ( 973293 ) on Sunday December 10, 2006 @01:17PM (#17185306)
    I'd really like to see one of these machines be able to do a scan on your taste buds, and a brain scan on your pleasure zones to see what turns you on, and then dispense a drink that is almost, but not entirely, unlike tea.
  • Re:So, (Score:2, Funny)

    by CCFreak2K ( 930973 ) on Monday December 11, 2006 @01:51AM (#17191118) Homepage Journal
    I guess you, like me, read it as Roboerotica

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