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Nano-Optical Switches To Restore Sight? 51

Roland Piquepaille writes, "Researchers in California are now using light to control biological nanomolecules and proteins. They think it can help them to develop treatments for eye diseases, such as the loss of the light detectors in the retina that is a major cause of blindness. They envision putting some of their nano-photoswitches in the cells of the retina, restoring light sensitivity in people with degenerative blindness such as macular degeneration. It will be a while before this technique emerges from the laboratory. ZDNet has additional references and pictures of what you can do with these photoswitches."
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Nano-Optical Switches To Restore Sight?

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  • by BWJones ( 18351 ) * on Sunday November 05, 2006 @07:16PM (#16729151) Homepage Journal
    While this is very cool research (and we are looking at hiring one of the graduate students involved in this project as a post-doc when he graduates), they are still not addressing many of the fundamental issues related to retinal degeneration such as retinal remodeling that we have addressed for the past couple of years. The problem is that the retina (like any other neural system) will remodel its connections when the inputs have been lost. In retinal degenerations, when the photoreceptors degenerate, you lose your inputs and any new input you put in, either bionic implant or biological transplant will have to deal with corrupted circuits.

  • by LordLucless ( 582312 ) on Sunday November 05, 2006 @09:38PM (#16730213)
    If you can get your fingers down a blouse, the need for peeping is moot.

You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred. -- Superchicken
