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Christmas Cheer

Journal Walmart Security's Journal: Episode 3.75: An Esoteric Name

The sun hadn't yet risen when I first awoke; instead, the sky was beginning to subtly allude that sunrise was inevitable. Astonishing shades of red and orange illuminated the uncurtained hospital window. With the majority of the staff absent and the patients unconscious, the darkened hospital was absolutely and uncharacteristically silent. My desiccated lips craved water; unfortunately, it was scarce during these hours, as nurses were assigned more imperative tasks than waiting on a heroic officer such as myself. My thirst didn't warrant kvetching. The hospital bed, while tolerable, was becoming somewhat uncomfortable. The linen, which hadn't been cleansed in nearly a week, was developing an unpleasant aroma. Ultimately, these minute issues were irrelevant, for I would be released in a matter of hours. Even minutes, perhaps.

My ears observed a metallic door close; the hospital staff members were beginning to arrive. Perhaps I would be permitted to satisfy my thirst, which was continuing to escalate in severity. "Good morning, Dave," a soft, alacritous voice emanating from the room nearest the nurses' station said. It was of Jennifer Hutchkins, a young nurse assigned to the morning shift. Jennifer, who was short, thin, ambitious, and quite capable, had become a registered nurse not even six months prior. Every morning, she would invariably greet me, offer a plate of food, and then converse with me for a brief moment. Of course, it'd be awhile before she arrived at my room, so I closed my eyes once again.

"Peter!" exclaimed Robert, using a voice infused with enthusiasm. "Are you almost ready to go?" I must have once again fallen asleep, for I had been oblivious to the entries of Jennifer and Robert.

Almost immediately afterward, a red haired man dressed in doctor's attire carefully entered the room behind Robert. He quickly scratched his face and then began to speak without even the slightest inkling of an accent. "Mr. Geralds?"

"Yes?" I replied, anxious to escape the confines of the hospital campus.

"You're free to leave. Just take it easy for a few days, alright? No strenuous activity. Aside from that, you seem to be well."

I emerged apprehensively from the hospital bed and began to navigate toward the hospital's exit. "I've arranged a car, Peter," Robert said. "Also, I've scheduled an appointment with Thorslen for you tomorrow at eight in Houston. Uh, it's the only time he could see you." I had never before visited Houston, although I'd been informed numerous times that the drivers were courteous and the citizens respectful. In fact, one could argue that Jasper must be a microcosm of it!

The fulgent sun overhead warmed my skin as I exited the hospital. It was a beautiful Sunday; not a cloud was present in the sky and not a car was present on the road. Surely our journey would be pleasant. It would begin shortly.

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Episode 3.75: An Esoteric Name

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Saliva causes cancer, but only if swallowed in small amounts over a long period of time. -- George Carlin
