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Journal Seth Finkelstein's Journal: A censorware company rep sends me their PR

Today, a PR flack from N2H2 (a censorware company) made sure I personally received their latest censorware press release

Such service.

N2H2 was using the recent Federal censorware law trial as a PR opportunity.

I don't know if he was implicitly gloating at me, regarding What Happened To The Censorware Project (censorware.org), and how Michael Sims' actions had viciously derailed my planned related anticensorware efforts, such as a code release. Hard to say.

But it was a depressing moment. I was thinking about how this flack is being paid to hype censorware, while I have to continually worry about being sued (huge "negative" pay) for volunteer work against censorware.


Update: Another N2H2 employee explictly mentioned Michael Sims' smear-site to me. So if there was any doubt, it's clear they at least do know about it, and will happily use it against me if convenient.

Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
