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Journal trajano's Journal: David Suzuki's report

I was just going through the news today about David Suzuki's report [www.davidsuzuki.org] on urban sprawling of Toronto.

I think one of the better ways of doing this is to make office space more expensive and force companies to embrace telecommuting.

Also to provide better and cheaper broadband to people so we can work from home more effectively.

Perhaps set up common meeting areas for companies so people can meet each other more easily, with facilities to do video conferencing and such. These places can be rented out to companies on-demand. Actually that wouldn't be a bad business to start up.

I like driving myself, though spending up to 3 hours on the highway (I only take one hour max, but they said some people do take up to 3 hours). I would suggest increasing the taxes on gas, but the money raised on it goes partly to transit and part to subsidize costs for hybrid cars. I would pay more for gas if I can afford to get the Prius.

I personally like living in outer suburbia, as long as everything is within a 15-30 minute radius. Which is kinda why I like my place, everything I want is within a 15-30 minute radius and I do not live in the core, I live in Scarborough.

I personally hate taking transit and would avoid it if I can, I hate losing control over where I can and cannot go. Though transit is still a good thing to have. Perhaps we can have those rentable cars on demand here, but I doubt it. I wouldn't trust them or all people to be good to them. Unless of course they make it fool and gang proof, but that is a research topic that I hope someone starts (wish it was me).

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David Suzuki's report

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