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Journal MickLinux's Journal: PUBLIC DOMAIN: VPF Constitution 1

Here is something my brother asked me to post, and to save in the public domain. I figure this is a good place to do it. I should note that he's also made a bunch of monopoly money of his own design, but [if he prints it] will print it with actual security measures, like real money. It's supposed to be valuless, but a sign of good will -- but it will also buy you access to their decision making process, on their "assembly of partners". Kindof interesting.

The one problem that I have with this is that it stops at n=5. That isn't a real problem; maybe you shouldn't plan for something you've never seen. But I am convinced that new forms of power that threaten an organization will arise, and they should be accomodated. So it might be nice if one could have system to sense those new forms of power, and respond to them.

Anyhow, here it is:


Constitution for Valley Plaudets Foundation (VPF) Joseph D. Rudmin, March 7, 2003

I. Overview.
1.1 Introduction. This organization is established to recognize and reward those individuals and organizations which enhance our community through their voluntary and selfless gifts of property, service, and speech, especially when those who give have received little in return. The recognition and reward offered by this organization consists solely of certificates of appreciation, called "plaudets", which lack intrinsic value, public commendations from VPF, and the sincere gratitude of the individual and organizational members of Valley Plaudets Foundation.

1.5 Purity of Intent. The recognition that VPF gives and the support it receives are entirely voluntary gifts.

3.1 Abstract. This constitution describes the composition and structure of VPF, but not all limitations that it would be wise to respect on the authority and power of VPF and those who act on its behalf. This document also prescribes how VPF should expand, divide, contract, dissolve, and merge with other organizations. Three different organizational structures are included, for when VPF is a level 1, level 2, and level n+1 organization, respectively. Gradual transitions between levels are prescribed, in order to minimize disruption of ordinary activities. To avoid redundancy of exposition in this document, rules common to multiple levels are mentioned only for the lowest level to which they apply. Unless otherwise stated, every rule applies to every level including and above the one in which it is first mentioned.

3.5 Structural Completeness. At all stages VPF accommodates in its structure all five sources of power that historically have exercised authority in all governments throughout the world: charismatic leadership (president), wise counsel (judges and juries), popular representation (parliament), state representation (senate), and financial influence (assembly of partners). All five sources of power are accommodated because neglecting any one of them does not deprive it of power, but fails to prescribe limits that enable it to function in harmony with the other sources of power.

5.1 Membership. Individuals and organizations may be members of VPF. In order to accommodate anticipated rise or decline in participation in VPF, the structure of VPF will change as its level changes, as measured in number and type of member organizations of VPF. The term "individual" means "human". The term "individual member" means a human being who is a member of VPF. The term "organization" means a non-human political group, such as a club, business, school, or town. The term "member organization" means an organization which is a member of VPF. Alone, the term "member" applies equally to an individual member or a member organization.

5.3 Member Organizations. To become a member of VPF, an organization applies to the VPF legislature for membership. After the VPF's legislature passes a resolution whereby it chooses to accept the organization as a new member, membership is finalized when the new member organization passes a resolution whereby it pledges to do its best to encourage its members to abide by the VPF constitution, and the decisions of the judges recognized by VPF, to the extent that those decisions do not violate the VPF constitution, higher law, or their consciences and vocations.

5.5 Individual Members. An individual becomes a member of VPF indirectly by being a member of an organization in the organizational structure of VPF, or directly by applying to the VPF legislature and signing a pledge to do his best to abide by the constitution of VPF and the decisions of the judges recognized by VPF, to the extent that those decisions do not violate the VPF constitution, higher law, or his own conscience and vocation. The only difference in direct and indirect membership is the means by which membership is achieved. Membership may be lost only through resignation.

5.7 Participation. Every individual member of VPF may vote for elected office holders of VPF, and hold office in VPF. But each individual member may hold only one office in VPF at a time. It is the responsibility of each member to obtain the resources that member needs to participate in VPF to the extent that the member wishes to participate in VPF. No member of VPF is required to participate in VPF in any way. The rules and restrictions on VPF in this constitution apply only to VPF, and not to its members, unless explicitly so stated.

7.2 Respect for Justice. VPF respects and honors the decisions made by established governments and judges everywhere, unless by resolution VPF's legislature makes exception to explicit non-VPF judges, governments, or particular cases ruled upon by them.

7.5 Counsel and Jury. Because it promotes respect for VPF, an individual involved in a dispute which is arbitrated by a judge of VPF, will have the right to be represented by counsel, but VPF will not compel any individual to serve as counsel; nor will VPF pay for counsel, nor set a price for counsel. Furthermore, any individual involved in such a dispute may obtain to judge the dispute, a jury of VPF individual members acceptable to the judge, provided that the jurors agree to judge the dispute. But VPF will not compel anyone to serve on a jury; nor set a price for jurors.

9.1 Condorcet Voting. Except for elections of members of Parliament described in V.9.9, the Beatpath Condorcet method of voting will be used in all votes, because more than two options are often available for one course of action or seat. Each voter lists his preferred option for each different pair of options. Like preferences for like pairs are summed over all voters. If some options are preferred at least as often as the alternative in every pair in which they appear, then those options are possible winners. If not, then beatpaths must be considered: A beatpath exists from one option to an alternative if either it is preferred to the alternative or preferred to another option that has a beatpath to the alternative. A beatpath is a set of pairs of options whose preferences make a beatpath to exist. The strength of a beatpath is the smallest number of votes in favor of the most preferred option in all pairs of options in the beatpath. An option has a beatpath win over an alternative if the strength of the option's strongest beatpath to the alternative is greater than that of the alternative to the option. An option is a possible winner if no alternative has a beatpath win over it. If one possible winner has more total votes in favor of it, then that option wins. If not, then the vote is ambiguous, and no decision is made.

11.1 Creation of Plaudet Certificates. In order to exercise its primary purpose in providing recognition to individuals and organizations for their contributions to our community, the VPF legislature may authorize the creation and printing of plaudets, in specified denominations, to the demand of the recognized individuals and organizations. Authorization to print the plaudets does not necessarily provide for payment for printing them. Anyone, including the VPF legislature, may pay for the printing of any plaudet certificate that has been authorized. Each plaudet certificate will have those security features that the VPF legislature prescribes.

III. Level 1 Organization.
1.1 Conventions. The elected executive officers and members of Parliament are chosen by election at the annual convention, held at a time and place determined by the VPF legislature. Additional conventions may be held, to fill vacant seats, amend the VPF constitution, and attend to other urgent business. The times and locations of additional conventions will also be determined by resolution of the VPF legislature. The VPF legislature will also set the rules for VPF conventions.

3.1 Legislative Structure. The VPF legislature initially will be composed of the VPF Parliament. As conditions permit, Parliament will be joined by an Assembly of Partners and a Senate. As these additional houses join Parliament, the legislature will become bicameral and then tricameral.

5.1 Parliament. Parliament will be the house of the VPF legislature that provides an opportunity for direct participation in VPF to the individual members of VPF. A member of Parliament will be called a "Representative". The VPF Parliament will initially be composed of the elected executive officers of VPF: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each elected office will have a term of one year, starting and ending at the annual convention. The VPF members attending the annual convention will vote in open convention for each elected office, using the Condorcet method of voting in I.9.1. If the vote for "vacant" wins a majority, then the office will remain unfilled for that year, or until a subsequent convention fills the office. For vacancies between elections in offices which are not voted "vacant", the VPF President may fill the office by appointment until the next convention. With approval of the VPF legislature, each officer may hire assistance for duties.

7.1 President. As chief executive, the VPF President implements all resolutions of the legislature, using the resources that the legislature provides; and at each legislative session, he appoints temporary proxies for absent executive officers who have not already appointed proxies for themselves. As presider of the VPF legislature, the President creates the order of the agenda at each legislative session, opens and closes each session, runs each session in a timely and orderly fashion, breaks tie votes, and adjourns legislative sessions.

7.3 Vice President. At the annual convention, the office of Vice President will be offered to those former Presidents who do not hold another office, in the order of most to least recent to hold the office of President. If no former President accepts the office of Vice President, then this office will remain vacant. The Vice President will advise and assist the President in the performing of his duties, and substitute for the President when the President is absent. If the office of Vice President is not filled, then the President will substitute for other officers where the Vice President would substitute.

7.5 Secretary. The Secretary will keep a list of VPF events, and publish the list of VPF events on a timely and regularly timed schedule determined by the VPF legislature. The Secretary will keep a list of members and a record of all agenda items, votes, resolutions, and amendments at conventions and legislative sessions, and may use recording devices to aid in keeping these records. At legislative sessions, the Secretary will also report on the minutes of the previous legislative session. Given ample notice and sufficient resources, the Secretary will make a record of the minutes of any legislative session available to any member of the VFP. If the office of Secretary is not filled, the Vice President will perform the duties of Secretary.

7.7 Treasurer. The Treasurer will keep a legible and understandable record of all VPF assets, and all receipts and grants of property and plaudets. The Treasurer will have the responsibility for all VPF financial instruments. Every receipt and outlay will require legislative approval, although that approval need not be explicit. At each legislative session the Treasurer will report on the interim transactions. Interim transactions that are reported but not rejected by the VPF legislature at the same session are implicitly approved by it. Given ample notice and sufficient resources, the Treasurer will make a record of VPF transactions available to any member of VPF. If the office of Treasurer is not filled, the Vice President will perform the duties of Treasurer.

9.1 Creation of Elected Executive Offices. By a 2/3 vote of each house, the VPF legislature may create additional elected executive offices to perform needed tasks. Each such office will be a seat in Parliament, with a vote there, until transition begins to a level 2 organization.

9.5 Activation of Executive Offices. Each elected VPF office may be activated by resolution of the VPF legislature, when at least one eligible individual VPF member volunteers to do the job, and the office was not voted "vacant" at the last convention. To fill an activated office between conventions, the President may appoint a volunteer who is an individual member of VPF, subject to confirmation by the VPF legislature. The term of an elected officer appointed by the President will terminate at the next VPF convention, at which time the office will be filled by election by VPF members, as described in III.5.1.

9.7 Removal from Office. Any office holder may be removed from office by a vote in favor of doing so by 2/3 the members of each house of the legislature, or a petition signed by 2/3 all VPF members. Such removal will extend only until the end of the term of office affected by the removal.

9.9 Succession. Should the President be removed from office, or become incapacitated, or be absent from a meeting at which he presides as VPF President, his successors, in order of precedence, will be the Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and then the other executive officers in the order that their offices were activated, from most to least recent. The successor will serve until the President resumes his office.

11.1 The Assembly of Partners. The Assembly of Partners will be the house of the VPF legislature that provides an opportunity for direct participation in VPF to those who have been recognized by VPF or who have aided those who have been recognized. A member of the Assembly of Partners will be called a "Delegate". The number of seats in the Assembly of Partners will be the same as the number of seats in Parliament.

11.3 Rotating Seats. Those seats in the Assembly of Partners which correspond to seats in Parliament for elected executive officers will be rotating seats. The remaining seats in the Assembly of Partners will be annually auctioned seats. Each person who wishes to bid on a rotating seat will contribute plaudets equal to his bid to the VPF treasury, and register a nominee with the VPF treasurer. The VPF treasurer will record the date and amount of the contribution, and the nominee. Each contribution will expire after one year. At the opening of each day, those nominees with largest total contributions will hold the rotating seats. Ties will be broken by the President.

11.5 Reuse of Plaudets. The plaudets that VPF receives need not come directly from the person or organization to whom VPF originally issued the plaudets, but they must have been originally authorized by the VPF legislature. The plaudets received will be paid to the VPF legislature, in the care of the VPF Treasurer, and may be reused by VPF and others without reauthorization.

13.1 Legislative Session Venues. The VPF legislature will meet at locations and regularly timed intervals defined by the legislature. The Secretary will give ample notification to all VPF members of the time and place of every legislative session, and the most important items on the agenda. All legislative session will be open to the public until the legislature, by majority vote of each legislative house, closes the session to all but members of the VPF legislature and invited individuals.

13.3 Rules of Order. All VPF legislative houses will convene together for each legislative session, under one rule of operation as determined by the VPF legislature, and every motion will be voted on at the same time in all legislative houses. If a member of any legislative house is absent, the member may provide any eligible member of VPF with a written note designating the member as proxy for the legislative session, but no person may exercise more than one vote. A quorum for each legislative house will consist of 2/3 of its members, including proxies. Every member or proxy in every legislative house may make motions and vote on motions; and the vote on every resolution will be made using the Condorcet method described in I.9.1.

13.5 Passing Resolutions. To take effect, each proposed resolution must be approved by a majority of the members of every house of the legislature in existence, and signed by the President; or approved by 2/3 the members of every house of the legislature in existence. Every resolution which has no expiration date, expires after ten years.

13.7 Popular Repeal. Any resolution may be repealed by a petition signed by a majority of all living VPF individual members on record, or a majority vote of VPF members assembled in convention, or a majority vote on the issue in the election that may replace the annual convention.

15.1 Creation of Judicial Offices. By resolution, the VPF legislature may create judicial offices, set the terms of office and prerequisites, and offer compensation in plaudet certificates for judicial services to those who hold judicial office. The President will have the authority to appoint judges to fill all vacancies in judicial offices created by VPF. Such appointments will be subject to confirmation by the VPF legislature. Once appointed, a judge may not be recalled until his term of office expires, except through removal from office, described in III.9.7.

15.5 Authentication of Plaudets. VPF judges will have the authority to make the final decision on the validity of plaudet certificates which are offered for bidding on seats in the Assembly of Partners.

15.7 Arbitration. VPF judges will have final authority of arbitration in all disputes involving VPF activities, between parties who are members of VPF, officers of VPF, or their agents.

17.1 Division of VPF. Whenever enough VPF members who wish to form an independent, fully functional organization at the same level as VPF sign a petition to do so, they may pick a name for their organization, and divide from VPF. The new organization will inherit the then current VPF constitution and legislative rules of order, until they adopt another. Any member organizations and any members of the Assembly of Partners may choose to secede with the new organization. The new organization and VPF will divide between them, in proportion to the number of members, the net plaudets held by VPF. Rounding will be made to the nearest single plaudet in favor of VPF. Until different certificates are adopted by the new organization's legislature, VPF plaudet certificates will be used by the new organization for auctioning seats in its Assembly of Partners. But, only VPF will have authority to authorize the creation and printing of new VPF plaudet certificates.

17.3 Secession from VPF. Any member organization of VPF may choose to secede from VPF at any time. Membership is entirely voluntary. As a matter of courtesy, a seceding organization should notify the VPF President and each existing house of the VPF legislature of its secession. Disputes over property that the seceding member organization claims will be settled by arbitration within VPF courts. Within three months of secession, any individual members of the seceding organization may choose to remain individual members of VPF by notifying the VPF secretary of their intentions.

17.5 Dissolution of VPF. VPF will dissolve if no one will volunteer to take the office of President or perform the duties of that office, or if 3/4 of the individual members sign a petition to dissolve VPF. At that time, all assets, property, and records held by VPF will be auctioned off for plaudets. After all assets, property, and records have been auctioned off, the plaudet certificates held by VPF will be disposed of as the VPF legislature will determine at that time. VPF will then cease to exist.

17.7 Merger of VPF. VPF may become a member of or merge into a higher level organization, provided that VPF continues to exist within the higher level organization without changing its constitution or the authority thereof; and provided that the higher level organization accommodates the 5 sources of authority mentioned in I.3.5 at least as adequately as VPF does; and provided that the merger is approved by the President, and 2/3 of the members of each house of the VPF legislature.

17.9 Appointment of Senators from VPF. If VPF has the authority to choose a Senator, or its equivalent, to a higher level organization into which it has merged, at least one Senator from VPF in the higher level organization will be appointed by the VPF President, and serve until replaced by the VPF President, removed from office (III.9.7), or end of term of office. All other Senators may be chosen and replaced as determined by the VPF legislature. But, no Senator who represents VPF will serve for more than 10 years total in that office.

17.11 Amendments to the VPF Constitution as a Level 1 Organization. An amendment to the VPF constitution may be proposed by a 2/3 vote of each house of the VPF legislature, and passed by a petition signed by 3/4 of all living VPF individual members on record.

V. Transition to a Level 2 Organization.
1.1 Creation of the Senate and Assembly of Partners. Transition to a level 2 organization will begin when the first organization joins VPF as a member. At that time the Senate will come into being, and annually auctioned seats will be added to the Assembly of Partners.

3.1 Admission of Member Organizations. When an organization petitions VPF to become a member, VPF may choose to admit the organization by resolution of the VPF legislature. Until VPF begins the transition to a level 3 organization, there will be no restrictions on the type of organization that VPF may admit. However, each organization in the VPF organizational structure may be a member of only one organization in that structure.

5.1 The Senate. The Senate will be the house of the VPF legislature that provides an opportunity for direct participation in VPF to the member organizations of VPF. A member of the Senate will be called a "Senator". Whenever an organization joins VPF, 2 seats will be added to the VPF Senate, and they will be filled by the organization joining VPF. Each organization's government will determine how it will choose Senators to VPF. Whenever an organization leaves VPF, its two Senate seats, and their Senators will be removed from the Senate.

7.1 Annually Auctioned Seats in the Assembly of Partners. Whenever an organization joins VPF, two annually auctioned seats will be added to the Assembly of Partners. Annually auctioned seats will be auctioned off for plaudets, at times evenly spaced in time throughout the year. Therefore, the first time a new annual Assembly of Partners seat is auctioned, its term may be less than 365 days. Whenever the number of seats in the Assembly of Partners is reduced, such as when an organization secedes from VPF, those Partners holding the eliminated seats may serve out their terms to completion.

7.3 Auction of Seats. The privilege to fill each seat in the Assembly of Partners will be auctioned off to that individual or organization who bids the most plaudets to fill the seat. The winner of the auction receives the privilege to name a VPF individual member who does not hold any other office, to hold the seat for a one year term, starting on the day the seat is auctioned, and ending 365 days later. If the winner of the auction is an individual member of VPF, then he may appoint himself to the seat. An appointment is permanent, and may not be revoked, except through removal from office as described in II.5.7. If a member of the Assembly of Partners is removed from office, then the winner of the seat may appoint a replacement to complete the term. If no one bids on a seat at the time it comes up for auction, then the seat will remain vacant until someone bids to fill it for its remaining term.

9.1 Expansion of Parliament. Whenever an organization joins VPF, 2 seats will be added to the VPF Parliament, which will not be held by executive offices. But, new seats will not be filled until the next VPF convention.

9.3 The Speaker, Chair, and Director. The expansion threshold for the number of seats in the VPF Parliament will be twice the number of executive offices. If, when Parliament is elected, the total number of seats in Parliament exceeds the expansion threshold, then the office of President will no longer have a seat in Parliament, nor vote there, nor break tie votes in any house of the VPF legislature. However, the office of President will retain all its executive powers. Thereafter, Parliament will elect a Representative to be Speaker, the Senate will elect a Senator to be Chair, and the Assembly of Partners will elect a Delegate to be Director. Each of these offices will preside over his legislative house, break ties there, and represent that house before other authorities. Whenever a new Parliament is elected, all three houses of the VPF legislature will elect new presiding officers. These elections will be held using the Condorcet method of voting. Thence, the houses of the VPF legislature will meet simultaneously, separately, but in mutual proximity; and each house of the legislature will make its own rules of operation and schedule of business.

9.5 Elimination of Executive Seats. For each additional two seats added to Parliament after the expansion threshold is exceeded, another elected executive office will lose its vote in Parliament and cease to be a seat there. Executive offices will be removed from Parliament in the order that the executive offices were activated. When no seats in Parliament are executive offices, the transition to a level 2 organization will be complete. From that time forward, no person will serve more than a total of 10 years in any elected office of VPF. However, member organizations of VPF will determine the term limits, if any, for their own officers. Whenever an executive office other than President is removed from Parliament, holders of that office will become answerable to and appointed by the President, subject to confirmation by the VPF legislature.

9.7 Contraction of the VPF Legislature. Whenever an organization leaves the VPF, two seats will be removed from Parliament. But, the Representatives who hold those seats may complete their terms of office. The contraction threshold for the number of seats in the VPF Parliament will be two less than thrice the number of executive offices. If, when Parliament is elected, the number of seats in Parliament should be less than the contraction threshold, then the last activated executive office of VPF will become an elected seat in the VPF Parliament, with a vote there. For each additional two seats lost, another executive office of VPF will become an elected seat in the VPF Parliament, with a vote there. Should the office of President of VPF become a seat in the VPF Parliament, then the transition back to a level 1 organization will be complete, and term limits on all offices of VPF will come to an end.

9.9 Election of Parliament. Elections of members of Parliament who are not elected executive officers will be held in the following manner: Each individual VPF member will cast a vote both for a party, and for a candidate who is a member of that party. Seats in Parliament will be apportioned in Parliament in proportion to the number of votes cast for each party. The number of seats awarded to each party will be rounded down to the nearest integer. After the seats in Parliament have been apportioned, those seats which remain unfilled will be awarded to those parties which received no seats, in order of the number of votes that those parties received, from most to least. Ties among parties to fill these extra seats will be settled by leaving vacant the seats in question. Parliamentary seats awarded to each party will be awarded to those candidates from that party who received the most votes. Ties among candidates from the same party will be broken by the party that won the seats, and vacancies will be filled the same way.

VII. Level 2 Organization.
1.1 Election Venues. When a VPF convention is held, each VPF member organization may choose to hold satellite conventions for its own members, where they will be able to participate in all VPF debates and votes to the same extent that they can at the general VPF convention.

3.1 Amendments to the VPF Constitution as a Level 2 or Greater Organization. An Amendment to the VPF constitution may be proposed by a 2/3 vote of each house of the VPF legislature, or by petition by 2/3 of the VPF member organizations. A proposed amendment may be ratified by resolutions in favor of the amendment by the governments or conventions of 3/4 of the VPF member organizations. Until ratified, any government or convention of a VPF member organization may repeal or reapprove its vote on the amendment. Until ratified, an amendment proposal may be repealed by a 2/3 vote of each house of the VPF legislature, or by petition by 2/3 of the VPF member organizations.

IX. Transitions Between Levels n and n+1, Where n is Greater than 1.
1.1 Level n VPF Member Organizations. Any organization is at least a level 1 organization. A level n>1 organization is an organization that accommodates each of the 5 sources of authority listed in I.3.5 at least as well as the VPF does for a level 2 organization, but not necessarily in the same way. In addition, a level n organization, where n>2, satisfies the description in IX.1.3.

1.3 Transition To a Level n+1 Organization. Transition by VPF to a level n+1 organization will begin when VPF has completed the transition up to a level n organization, and 3 of the VPF member organizations have become level n or greater organizations, and the VPF Parliament has at least 10 seats more than the contraction threshold. Once the transition begins, the only organizations which will join VPF will be level n or greater organizations. Every time another level n organization joins VPF, the VPF member organization with smallest number of individual members will either cease to be a member organization of VPF, or it will become a level n organization. Any VPF member organization which is dropped from VPF membership may become a member of any VPF member organization which will accept it. When all VPF member organizations are level n or greater organizations, the transition of the VPF to a level n+1 organization will be complete.

1.5 Transition From a Level n+1 Organization. Transition by VPF from a level n+1 organization will begin when VPF has fewer seats in Parliament than the contraction threshold. In order from largest to smallest, those level n-1 or greater organizations which are in the power structure under VPF may choose to become member organizations of VPF until the number of seats in VPF exceeds the contraction threshold. If less than 4 VPF member organizations should be level n or greater, the transition of VPF down to a level n organization will be complete. If not enough level n-1 organizations choose to become member organizations of VPF, then as described in III.9.7, executive offices will become seats in Parliament, until the number of seats in Parliament again exceeds the contraction threshold. Should the office of President become a seat in the VPF Parliament, then VPF will be a level 1 organization, and again admit member organizations without restriction on size or accommodation of authority.

3.1 Two Year Terms. When VPF is a level 3 or greater organization, VPF will elect officers by elections instead of conventions. Elections will be held at 2 year intervals for Parliament and 4 year intervals for President.

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