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Journal shanen's Journal: The Imposters: Politrical comedy I want to see

Actually, I'm hoping this already exists and someone can URL me some videos to laugh it. However, this form of the idea only came to me after I met a couple of impersonators yesterday. One guy was imitating Trump, and it was kind of frightening, but the other guy looked exactly like Kim Jong-Un, and he was terrifying... But he gave me this newish idea:

I want to see a comedy show where part of it is Trump leading the audience in a mock rally. Another part of the show would involve Big Kim (because he was taller than the real dictator) doing voice-overs to reveal what Trump is really thinking. The Trump would say something crazy or apparently inexplicable, and then freeze while Big Kim does the voice-over of what's going on in the punkin' orange head. Three categories there: (1) How whatever he said will make money for himself, (2) How the words will destroy his enemies, (3) Flashes of contempt for the suckers who believe him.

For the kicker, after some "jokes" about child separation, they would start the mock rally. Trump would lead the audience in a mob chant of "Lock kids up, LOCK KIDS UP!" The audience would find a Trump mask under their seats. It could be as simple as a piece of paper with an angry Trump face and a mouth hole. The mob would be a bunch of angry little Trump's led by the big Trump.

Of course (at least it's obvious to me) the real idea is to show how horrible Trump's angry chanting mobs are. Concretely, in the form of a short viral video of trying to lock up innocent children. I'm imagining about 30 seconds with a crescendo of angry unison in the middle gradually shifting to inchoate screams of rage. I know it's not likely that Trumpists can think, but maybe a few of them will see the video and actually think "Do I want to be part of that?"

Like I said, I'm eager to see the video, though I'd even be glad to buy a ticket to support the cause and to participate as part of the travesty of Trump and everything he stands for.

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The Imposters: Politrical comedty I want to see

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