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Journal mapfortu's Journal: 130209 (junkinbox)


Entertaining for me to note. I have observed the behavior for months now. Each and every day. Every day. Every time I check my e-mail at yahoo, and I open a sf.net newsletter, and it contains blocked images, the individual next to me in public will act stressed as I move to click "show images". Every time. They'll act "worried". They will run their fingers through their hair, they will suddenly move to check their purse, they will rearrange the seat of their pants--anything to act stressed and worried each and every time I open the sf.net newsletter, every day. The same when I check the public facing advertising e-mail, and go to clear the junk folder. It's an e-mail address facing a more public realm of random passerby, it has a junk e-mail folder, somebody decided to put it on a mailing list for some fishy circulars. Every business with a bulletin board knows about that sort of thing. Every day, each and every day I go to clear the junk e-mail folder, the individual adjacent to me in public will, coincidentally at that same time as if they are reading over my shoulder, act as if goatsxc (isaiah on a passover lamb) or sciencephotogallery.com (passover lamb post mummification airbrushed to gender change), or a picture of their most recent performance review, is going to be displayed. The same for Skydrive. Every day I parse over to skydrive in the appropriate sequence of checking and clearing mail addresses and click the folder display from icon to list, because I like list, because ls -la does not have icons, never did, well, maybe small ones if your term emulator was really jazzed up. The adjacent individual will always, in some way, jump or start or shiver or go into some sort of public convulsion to present the idea that there is something terrible happening when I click from icon to list view on skydrive. Every day, every time.


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130209 (junkinbox)

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If you think the system is working, ask someone who's waiting for a prompt.
