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The Courts

Journal Em Emalb's Journal: Mac/PC ad I'd like to see.... 2

Mac:Hi, I'm a mac.
PC:And I'm a pc.

Mac:Hey pc.
PC:Hey mac.

PC:Hey mac, bring out "Teh Ubuntu".
Mac:Shh, "Teh Ubuntu's sleepin"
PC:Well, wake him up.

(Cut to Ubuntu humping pc's leg viciously)
(cut to Mac's mouth gaping wide open)
Mac: Holy cow, you can do that??!?


PC: oh boy, that's warm!

Mac: wow.

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Mac/PC ad I'd like to see....

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  • did that mac guy get fired or not - 'cause i keep seeing new commercials with him in there.
    i think they are funny but not so true, but apparently they make bill mad so now i like them even more.
    the funny part is - he says that he has never seen them then goes on at length about everything wrong with them-- saying they are dishonest. he says this right after he just lied about never having seen them. you can't buy that kind of entertainment.
  • Or they could just start it as a normal commercial and Teh Ubuntu comes out and starts pissing on them both. :-)

    Home PC: Convert to Kubuntu: Check!
    Home Lappy: Convert to Kubuntu: Not Check... need drivers for the tablet features.
    As SOON as that happens, CHECK!!!!! then showing the finger to MS's general direction.

Work without a vision is slavery, Vision without work is a pipe dream, But vision with work is the hope of the world.
