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Surely They're Kidding Over At MSNBC.

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  • At least, that's how I read it.

    That 31% figure (the percentage of college graduates who can read a complex book and extrapolate from it) does not surprise me, though. It might actually be an improvement over what it was when I graduated from college (25 years ago), though not at the particular college that I attended. Based on my children's experiences, it is something that needs to be emphasized at a much younger age.

    Good to see you back around these parts. Best wishes for your ongoing projects.
  • It's an interesting thing... In grad school, we talked quite a lot about evolving definitions of "literacy," which is one thing I think this article misrepresents quite badly. In the 19th Century, for most people (not the clerisy), you were considered "literate" if you could read and write your name and follow along in a Bible. Spelling wasn't even anywhere close to being reified until right around 1900. By the early 20th Century, the definition of "literate" had expanded to mean "able to read a text of

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