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and who taught them everything they know?

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  • http://www.minuteswithmessiah.com/question/kkk.html [minuteswithmessiah.com]

    some of those quotes are taken out of context, and was done so by the KKK. remind me again who burns crosses and drags black men to their death behind their pickup trucks?

    the world is a complex place. people lie. the logic goes in a loop 'the laws of the jews says to lie to all christians' to 'white people rock, unless they're jews see the jews lie about not lying to christians never mind that we burn crosses, that isn't important to our hatred of jews'

    • 2. Abodah Zara 26b is taken seriously out of context. What the original says is "but minim [idolatrous priests, whether Jewish or gentile], informers, and apostates [specifically Jewish] may be cast in [a pit], and need not be brought up." This says nothing about killing, and much less about killing gentiles. If it says anything about killing, Jews are included. The discussion, however, is whether a gentile may circumcise a Jew. The argument about who may be thrown into a put, pulled out but not thrown in,

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