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Journal Mike Hawk's Journal: John Kerry is still a douchebag 2


If there is nothing new to be (faux) outraged about, lets put out a call so at least we can get an anecdote to be outraged about! And 59,000,000 misguided souls voted for the kind of guy who would put out an open call to drum up bad news.
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John Kerry is still a douchebag

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  • Unfortunately the trolls have moved on to lick their wounds. But maybe someone still lurks around to answer just how and why they thought Kerry would be better than GWB.

    I mean, this week started out with Kerry quoting a joke told by the Onion, ScrappleFace and Al Franken, but he told it as a fact to describe how he was cheated out of the presidency. Now there is this flashback to his days as a Vietnam protestor.

    What y'all who followed Kerry's campaign with such anticipation of victory never really have le
  • To garner support for a bill to increase benefits for military families, of course you need only stories of hardships. And there are probably plenty.

    Kerry's not really a douchebag, he's just a politician. He cares about the military when its in style. During his campaign I'll bet his handlers told him not to talk about himself but to quickly change the subject back to Bush and negativity. It was his politician-ness that was his downfall. Here in California we saw similarly with our previous governor, Gray

If all else fails, lower your standards.
